Discover, strike a chord, share!

Music creation awakens the senses. It is the language of our time in which new sounds break free of the rules to take you by surprise, make you stop, wonder and whisk you away to new horizons. But above all, music is about self-indulgence.

Every year, the Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain sparks emotion and musical discovery through a season of concerts, special events and co-creations.

These are events which inspire, provoke exchange and discovery, and dare to do the unpredictable. Events which bring a new dimension to the spectator experience and cast a fresh look at a piece or a composer.

The EOC presents endless possibilities for bringing poetic expression to life, inciting co-creation and aesthetic pleasure.

Contact : Judicaëlle Pace, audience development manager, +44 (0)4 72 10 90 44

Partitions graphiques

Réinventer l’écriture musicale

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Poèmes en liberté

Des mots en musique

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Musique, mouvement et handicap

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Le podcast qui décrypte la musique contemporaine

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